MS Office – How To Write And Draw With Ink

Users of touch-enabled devices are able to draw with a mouse, a digital pen or their fingers.

The feature “Inking” is available on man modern devices and for all subscribers of MS Office 365.

So, there are available the following inking features for Office users:

In order to find all the tools for drawing, you will need to find the tab “Review” and press there “Start Inking”. This will activate “Ink Tools” and the needed tab “Pens”.

Shows the Start Inking button on the Review tab in Office

  • Draw or write

    Go to the section “Ink Tools”, press “Pens” and then select “Pen”.

    Shows the Pen button in Ink Tools in Office

    In order to modify the stroke width or the color of the ink, you will need to point the windth and the color you want to see.

    Shows Pen style options in Office

    Now, you can start either drawing or writing directly on the touch screen of your device.

    Shows an example of Inked words in a Word document

  • Highlighted Text

    Go to the section “Ink Tools”, press “Pens” and then select “Highlighter”. You can choose any color you like.

    Shows Highlighter button in Ink Tools

    Now, you must point and keep on dragging the pen/finger over your text section which has to be highlighted. It is possible to highlight your text content in Outlook, Word, and Excel, but not in PowerPoint, as this program does not support this feature.

  • Removing ink drawings/written words

    Go to the section “Ink Tools”, press the tab “Pens” and click the arrow which is placed below “Eraser”. Here, you can decide which size of an eraser (stroke, small, medium) is better for your task.

    Shows Eraser button in Ink Tools in Office

    Using a pen or your finger, your ink drawing/word has to be selected for being erased.

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